Dream About transition point

Theresa Cheung Interpretation: If your dream journey reflects your progress in waking life, transition points such as bus stops, airports, taxi queues, stations, ports and harbors often represent transitional points in your life. So too do tunnels, crossroads and bridges. Such images suggest that you are about to leave one stage of your life behind and are getting ready to take a new direction. Pay attention to your feelings in these dreams, as they will mirror your desire to move on with your life. Dreams of crossroads are a potent symbol of the need to make choices and changes in your waking life. Remember that whenever you make a choice you also reject something, so pay attention to the path on which you decide to travel in your dream and the surprises it might have in store. Signposts have a similar interpretation and if the sign bore words, can you make any connections with your waking situation? Did you follow the directions or decide to take a different route in your dream? If you followed a different route, your unconscious is urging you to depart from the route you are following in your waking life.

Bridges are points of transition that link the past with a potential future, so if you dreamed of wandering across a bridge, could you see what was waiting for you on the other side?