Dream About point

Pamela Ball Interpretation: 1- Anything pointed normally refers to male sexuality.

To be aware of the point of decision is to come to a resolve that something has to be done. We must bring about change in one way or another and at that particular ‘point’ there is nothing else to be clone. Nothing can be done, in other words, until we decide to take action.

2- Psychologically and intellectually to have integrated ourselves means that we have reached our own centre. This is often symbolised in dreams by a point or dot.

3- A point is the beginning, the Soul or Completion.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Material aspects: To be aware of the point of decision is to come to a resolve that something has to be done. We must bring about change in one way or another and at that particular ‘point’ there is nothing else to be done. From this arises all other creative solutions.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Psychological / emotional perspective: Psychologically and intellectually, to have integrated ourselves means that we have reached our own centre. This is often symbolized in dreams by a point or dot.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Gives gender-specific: Anything pointed normally refers to male sexuality and has this symbolism in both men’s and women’s dreams.

Tony Crisp Interpretation

Anything pointed can refer to male sexuality, reach­ing a point—arriving at a culmination or change; a meaning, a decision to be made.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

A point is the beginning of all things, the soul or completion, the place from which everything else emanated.

Ian Wallace Interpretation

Ability to be specific in how I express my needs so other people will be able to support my particular opinion

Mary Summer Interpretation

(advice) symbolizes suggestions from one’s Higher Self

Mary Summer Interpretation

(bottom line/crux) reveals the essential idea or basic premise

Mary Summer Interpretation

(finger) will indicate an accusation or serve as a directional motion to draw one’s attention to something Recall surrounding dream details to determine which meaning was intended

Mary Summer Interpretation

(land) represents an “extension” into spiritual aspects

Mary Summer Interpretation

(phase) emphasizes attention or focus on a particular phase of one’s life or path

Mary Summer Interpretation

(purpose) connotes a need to focus on the “reason” for something

Mary Summer Interpretation

(sharp end) suggests clarity

Mary Summer Interpretation

(verge) corresponds to a need to make an important decision

Mary Summer Interpretation

“BLANK emphasizes an “in-your-face,” immediate, and direct element one needs to deal with

Tony Crisp Interpretation

Anything pointed can refer to male sexuality; reaching a point —arriving at a culmination or change; a meaning; a decision to be made; something powerful or focused enough to penetrate. This can refer to an idea or an experience that can enter us or get through any defenses we may have.