Theresa Cheung Interpretation: Love can be expressed in many ways in your dream and almost any symbol can be associated with it. Dreams of adopting or looking after a child, person or animal are often strongly associated with the idea of taking care of someone and are associated with love. To dream of shooting an arrow is also a love symbol. At whom or what were you shooting the arrow and whom or what do they represent? The arrow may also be a phallic symbol. As far as your emotional life is concerned, your dreams can sometimes tell you things of which you are not yet aware; it is worth paying attention to the suggestions that come to you in your sleep.
For example, if you are undecided about whether to commit to a person, dreams in which bells feature or you hear bells chiming appear to be hinting at marriage or a deeper emotional commitment. You may, for instance, have a dream in which the door bell rings and your prospective husband, wife or partner is at the door. Bear in mind, however, that dreams are not always so literal; dreams of love are more difficult to understand than overtly sexual dreams, since almost any symbol can be associated with this area of your life.
Pay attention to your feelings in the dream as they can help you see your potential partners and your feelings for what they really are. So if you have a feeling of dread when the door bell rings, this probably is not a good sign.
Bear in mind, too, that dreams that contain symbols closely related to home life, such as a beloved family object or a much-used room, are more likely to relate to a family member and your feelings towards them than to a potential lover. It may also be helpful to see how the feelings of love are being represented in your dream.
If the emotional bond and closeness is more important than the sexual, this may be related to baby love.
If great sexual drive and the fulfillment of your own needs is the theme along with a desire to explore and experiment, this suggests adolescent love. Adult love is represented by a dream sense of recognizing the needs of the partner and putting them before your own without losing your sense of direction or independence.