Dream About negative symbols

Theresa Cheung Interpretation: Dream symbols can have both positive and negative associations, but some dream symbols do tend to have more negative associations than positive and these include:

Acid: This suggests a corrosive, negative influence in your life.

Adder: There may be a situation in which another person cannot be trusted.

Atom bomb: Fear that someone else might destroy your happiness.

Avalanche: A destructive force in your life.

Bad: If you feel bad in your dream, this suggests that something is off balance in your waking life and that your environment is not positive for you.

Barbed wire: Hurtful remarks are preventing you moving forward.

Bed wetting: Anxieties over lack of control in your life.

Behind: To be behind someone in your dream suggests that you feel inferior to them.

Bite: Being bitten or biting someone is a symbol of aggression or hostility.

Boar: Lust and gluttony.

Brutality: The darker, more animalistic side of your nature.

Burglar: Violation of personal space.

Chain: Restriction.

Choke: Inability to express yourself.

Crooked line: Insincerity.

Devil: Personification of the evil side of yourself.

Dirty: Not at ease with your body, or lack of trust in someone or something.

Drowning: Feeling overwhelmed.

Earthquake: Emotional upheaval.

Empty and failure: Lack of energy and enthusiasm.

Falling: Lack of confidence.

Gall: Feelings of bitterness.

Hole: A difficult or tricky situation; can also suggest emptiness.

Hood: Deceit.

Ice: Frozen emotions.

Immobility: Feeling stuck.

Leak: Losing energy.

Leper: Feeling inferior or unworthy.

Maggots: Impurities that can eat away at you; fears of death and illness.

Mantis: Something devious within your life.

Marsh: Feeling held back or bogged down.

Mist: Emotional confusion.

Noose: Fear of being trapped.

Obscenity: lower aspects of the self.

Parasites: Someone is attempting to live off your energy.

Poverty: Feelin g deprived of the ability to satisfy your basic needs.

Pus: Something which is festering and has gone bad in your life.

Sadism: Desire to cause harm to yourself or others.

Scar: Old hurts that have not been dealt with.

Sick: Bad feelings you need to get rid of.

Tar: Emotions have become contaminated.

Torture: Trying to come to terms with a great hurt.

Traitor: An aspect of yourself that is letting you down.

Trespassing: Intruding on someone else’s personal space; lack of healthy boundaries.

Unemployment: Not making the best use of your talents.

Vampire: Fear of the unknown and negative energy. War: Conflict.

Winter: Time in your life which is unfruitful. Wound: Hurt feelings or emotions.

X: An error or something of which you need to take notice.

Yawn: Boredom, but also a warning against aggression or abuse.