Dream About recurring location

Ian Wallace Interpretation:

If you have recurring visits to a dream location, then you are repeatedly encountering a particular waking-life situation. If you enjoy exploring your recurring dream location, then it suggests that you are happy to continue encountering that particular waking-life situation. If you would rather not return to that dream location, then it indicates that you have the opportunity to move on from the current situation in your waking life. Make the choice and decide whether you want to keep revisiting that same situation in your waking life. If not, take the first step to move on from it. It can be challenging to leave a situation that has become habitual and familiar, so ask yourself what it might take for you to step out of the comfort zone of one of your familiar habits that no longer has value for you in the way that it once did. As you take action to move beyond a particular set of circumstances that may have been limiting opportunities for you, it can seem as if you are voyaging on a journey without apparent end, in an endless quest to an as-yet-unknown destination.