Dream About recurring character

Theresa Cheung Interpretation:

You may dream of a particular person who appears repeatedly in your dreams. This may be someone you are related to or close to, but it could also be someone you barely know or even someone who is no longer alive. When a recurring character appears in your dream it is often because they are associated with a particular feeling or set of experiences, and even if you no longer keep in touch with that person, they can still appear in your dream when you are affected by types of feelings you had when you knew them. In other words, recurring characters are often pictures of patterns that are operating in your present-day life. Sometimes recurring characters can also represent qualities you possess but are not using, or qualities you admire but do not feel you have. In general, when it comes to recurring characters, if this person is someone you feel positive about they represent qualities you can and should apply to your current life. Those people you associate with painful memories tend to represent feelings and patterns that are affecting you in your current experiences.