Theresa Cheung Interpretation: According to Jung, dreams are the small hidden door to the deepest and most mysterious part of your nature; they act as a teacher and guide on the road toward understanding and wholeness.
Most dream analysts agree that one of the most helpful aspects of dream interpretation is that it helps present to you in symbolic language the challenges you are facing in waking life so that you can understand them and yourself better. These challenges can often be represented by symbols that are easy to understand, but in some cases these symbols appear to have no clear-cut explanation.
This chapter explores those symbols that seem to have no obvious associations and suggests ways for you to interpret them. Bear in mind, however, that in some instances the nature of your problem in waking life might not be at all evident to you. It may simply be that you have lost your sense of purpose but, because you have been so busy with your routines, you have not consciously realized that something is amiss. Your unconscious mind, however, will have picked up on this; a dream that depicts you wandering in a maze, for example, may be an attempt to make you consciously aware of your lack of direction so that you can do something about it.