Tony Crisp Interpretation: One hundred and forty dreams were collected from a group of patients suffering depression.
The same number of dreams were collected from people similar in age and social background, but not suffering depression.
The dreams were given code numbers, mixed and given to an independent judge. He was asked to look for any evident themes of self punishment, such as ‘I was waiting for my friends all night but they never turned up’, ‘my fiance married somebody else’. Such self punishing themes were found to occur with greater frequency in the depressives’ dreams.
One hundred forty dreams were collected from a group of patients suffering depression. The same number of dreams were collected from people similar in age and social background, but not suffering depression. The dreams were given code numbers, mixed, and given to an independent judge. He was asked to look for any evident themes of self-punishment—such as “I was waiting for my friends all night but they never turned up,” “My fiancé married somebody else.” Such self-punishing themes occurred with greater frequency in depressive’s dreams. These self-punishing themes can be changed using such techniques as outlined under processing your dreams.