Dream About male sexual symbols

Theresa Cheung Interpretation: Weapons are often seen as phallic symbols and a stabbing, penetrating knife can represent violent male sexuality. Guns are another image of aggressive male sexuality with the added orgasmic symbolism of firing a bullet. Wielding a gun or a knife in a man’s dream can, however, indicate doubts about virility

A cigar or cigarette can symbolize a penis; even Freud admitted that his passion for cigar smoking was a substitute for masturbation, although he did once joke that a cigar is sometimes just a cigar. Cars can represent the penis—especially if the car has a powerful, thrusting motor. A weathercock in a woman’s dream is thought to be an especially powerful sexual symbol.

Darts, fingers, snakes, guns, hammers, screwdrivers, horns, icicles, javelins, spheres, engines, lorries and poles are all phallic symbols, as are spires and towers standing tall.

Quills and pens are obvious Freudian symbols, especially if they are dipped in ink. Jungians suggest that the quill can represent the archetype of the animus, the male aspect of the female psyche. Cell phones can be interpreted as phallic dream symbols as they often take the place of a loved one and can evoke sexual yearning or stand for the act of masturbation. The image may also represent frustrating attempts at sexual intimacy.

Drinking from a cup, glass or horn can represent oral sex with a woman. Socks or other items of clothing which fit the body part snugly are often interpreted as symbols of female genitalia; such items may stand for the act of intercourse if they are being put on or off. Gloves and shoes are other common images of this type. Shoes can also suggest authority and sexual domination.