Tony Crisp Interpretation: One s own potential, often unacknowledged, and projected on to dream character; a parent; depending on how you relate to the famous person, your own ability to accept yourself as respected. Sometimes the person may, because of their life or roles, represent a particular quality such as courage, love, ‘ruling’ drives in life, authority, etc. Actor/actress: one is acting a role. Queen: often one s mother, a feeling or drive ruling your life. King: father, thinking.
Example: A film star I admire came and lay beside me in the night. He told me he loved me and would stay with me. I knew he was living with a woman who had borne his child, but he told me he was going to tell her he was leaving her. In the morning we walked along the road where I live, to tell the woman’ (Sharon). Sharon processed her dream and saw the film star as her own strength and determination to further her career as a dancer. Being 18 she was faced with the decision of whether to become a wife and mother—the other woman —or put those urges into her work. In her dream she chose to be fully involved in her dancing.
Famous people can be seen as social guinea pigs. Collectively we expose them to enormous amounts of money, sexual opportunity, drugs, alcohol, and tremendous social and commercial pressures. Then we examine every part of their life to see how well they cope. Millions then identify with the image they portray of how to deal with reality at its worst.
The famous person in our dream might therefore represent our coping mechanism.
According to Freudians, such dreams are pure wishfulfillment, with the celebrity representing either what you want to be or your desire for more recognition in waking life. By contrast, Jungians consider that dreams of celebrities represent archetypes and aspects of your personality that are still buried in your unconscious.
If so, your dreaming mind is encouraging you to incorporate those desired qualities that you see in the famous person into your conscious life, because they are already present—latent—in you. On the other hand, the famous person may represent your shadow or hidden side: a part of your personality, or a behavior pattern, that you have refused to acknowledge—for example, aggressiveness or a will to dominate.
In short, celebrities in dreams often symbolize those hidden qualities upon which you need to turn the spotlight. Whenever you dream of becoming famous, or meeting someone famous or powerful, quickly write down a couple of positives and a couple of negatives about that person. Don’t think too much.
Then ask yourself, ‘Do I see any of these qualities in myself right now? Are they qualities that I want to develop? What can I learn from the dream about myself and my life from this person?’ See also ARCHETYPES; PEOPLE.
(2) The famous person may represent what you would like to be. This may correspond to your shadow-self, the other side of your personality that is still buried in your unconscious.
If so, it means you could incorporate into your conscious life those desired qualities that you see in the famous person, because they are already present - latent - in you.
(3) Alternatively, what the famous person represents may be a part of your personality or behaviour patterns that you have refused to acknowledge - for example, aggressiveness or a will to dominate.
Dreaming of someone famous is aspirational; there is something about this person that you identify with, or perhaps you’d like to be in their position. If they treat you like a friend, there’s a degree of acceptance; socially you want to feel part of the group. If they’re off hand and dismissive, it suggests a fear of rejection. This could be from a new partner, friend or someone you hold in high regard. To dream you are famous means you’re yearning for recognition. Don’t worry, this dream is a sure sign you’re about to get your moment in the sun!
Psychological / emotional perspective: Famous people, pop and film stars and sporting celebrities may also serve in dreams as a projection of the type of person we would like to be. We may, for instance, in real life be shy and withdrawn, but need to be admired and loved. In today’s climate of media celebrities, both minor and otherwise, such figures can also be targets for opprobrium.
Celebrities are our modern equivalent of the heroes of old. Meeting famous people in your dreams can be a wish fulfilment dream - do you long to be rich and famous? • It also suggests you are seeking recognition for your own efforts in life. What qualities does the famous person of your dream have that you could adopt for yourself that would be helpful to you right now?
A young person dreaming of a film star may not be ready for the responsibility of a real relationship.
For instance, we may realize that the destructiveness of a public life would take its toll within our own lives.
Gives gender-specific: In a woman’s dream a male pop star or famous person will most likely represent the ‘knight in shining armour’ destined to take her away from her mundane life. In a man’s dream a female star is more likely to represent a desired type of femininity.
The appearance of a specific famous person in our dreams—particularly a person we regularly think about—can simply be a reflection of our waking state. Otherwise, a famous person can represent a higher status to which we aspire, or, alternatively, a parental figure.
Consult the information on the animus / anima in the introduction and also the entries for celebrity and fame for more information.
See Also: Actor
hero/heroine image; an outstanding trait or deed associated with a specific individual. The names themselves may be used as a pun. Richard Widmark could suggest "wide of the mark"; Henry Fonda— "fond of"; Hedy Lamarr—too much head (intellectual); Eartha Kitt—earthy; Harry Truman—a true man. Any proper name may be used in the same way.
Desire to be noticed and acclaimed; your potential, often unacknowledged, and projected onto dream character; a parent; depending on how you relate to the famous person, your ability to accept yourself as respected; desire, ambitions, and efforts to become successful. Sometimes the person may, because of their life or role, represent a particular quality, such as courage, love, “ruling” drives in life, authority, etc. If you think of the person in a particular role or scene, this will probably be the major clue to what they represent—such as the lover who leaves, the father who sacrifices, etc.