Dream About famous people film star

Pamela Ball Interpretation: 1- Most of us are capable of creating an ideal person on whom to project our fantasies and wishes. We are not at this stage particularly in touch with reality. In dreams a film, pop star or public figure will represent the Animus or Anima (See Introduction).

A young person dreaming of a film star may not be ready for the responsibility of a real relationship.

2- Famous people, pop or film stars may also serve in dreams as a projection of the type of person we would like to be. We may, for instance, in real life be shy and withdrawn, but need to be admired and loved.

3- Spiritually, as we reach for perfection we need to ‘work through’ various aspects of our personality. Sometimes we arc able to reject such aspects as not being appropriate for the life we live.

For instance, we may realise that the destructiveness of a public life would take its toll within our own lives.