Dream About arts and crafts

Theresa Cheung Interpretation: Dreams of the creativity of artistic endeavor are as common as action and adventure dreams. Whether you dream of composing a symphony, painting a masterpiece, writing a best-selling novel, singing in an opera or designing a scrapbook, such dreams with yourself in the artist’s role represent the creative or intuitive side of your nature.

You may feel a need in waking life to express yourself in some way, to be more creative or to enjoy public recognition.

If you are meeting an artist in your dreams, this suggests that you are becoming aware of an aspect of yourself that is creative. If, however, you are watching another artist at work, this suggests that you are recognizing artistic or creative ability in yourself but remain passive about it.

Dreaming of creating something will be less significant if you are a naturally creative person than if you are not.

If you have never been artistic or worked with crafts, dreaming that you are a potter making a pot—or an author completing a novel—may carry the implication that you should do so, or at least be more imaginative and creative in your waking life.