If you dreamed that you were sitting in a cafe: After noon, the pink clouds give way to the wind, you may not be able to tolerate the problems in your private life. To see that you are sitting in a cafe in your dream indicates that the person who sees the dream will overcome bad events, solve his problems, get rid of his troubles, gain great profit from his work, will always be at peace with his family and be very happy. To see that you are sitting in a cafe in your dream refers to the skill you expect at the end of your difficulties, the skill you expect at the end of your hardships, the better profit you long for by getting the fruit of your troubles in a positive sense, a cruel person. If you had a dream about sitting in a cafe, you may have to make some serious sacrifices.
By approaching the bad events with great courage and solving the problems by thinking more wisely and in more detail, very good works will be done, but after a while, the business life will turn into a much better and more profitable one, the resentments and resentments between the family members will come to an end and the life will come to an end. He claims that he will be rejoicing.