It indicates that there will be very bad and troubled times in business and family life, that some people will be the material of gossip in various ways, that they will be left alone by almost everyone, that they will enter a period of great sadness and stress, and that there will be a great uneasiness.
In other words, it indicates that the person who sees the dream will reach his ears with happiness and will be intoxicated with happiness. However, it is worth noting that some dream interpretations interpret the dream of playing games at the wedding in the opposite way and accept it as evil.
person who is at a wedding and sees himself playing at that wedding in a dream will spend his life pursuing useless deeds. This dream indicates that the person turns to the worldly life and forgets the hereafter and pursues the pleasure and pleasure of this world. The person who plays at the wedding is also in a fun community in real life. In some cases, this dream indicates committing a major sin, being in trouble, or making harmful friends and living an unhappy life as a result of these friendships.