Dream About wind chimes

myjellybean Interpretation:

If the sound was pleasant and tuneful, a dream of wind chimes foretells better times ahead. But if they were discordant, be prepared for a period of hard work without much joy.

Joan Seaman - Tom Philbin Interpretation

1. Time passing.

2. Longing for tranquility.

Belter Greg Interpretation

Just lovely to hear if you do! It’s to help calm your mind, and to bring about peace. You must feel right each day, and when you’re off balance a new dream will arrive to bring forth, an outpouring of wisdom. Music to your ears! A song could even be sounding so ever beautiful, even though the chimes were meant to tinkle. What we appreciate from our sleep will benefit us.

Ian Wallace Interpretation

Ability to feel relaxed about emerging opportunities so I can turn my thoughts to an idea that resonates

Mary Summer Interpretation

symbolize comforting thoughts; perhaps a gentle calling