Dream About widow widower

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation: Psychological / emotional perspective: Psychologically we all seek within ourselves complete harmony in partnership. This is a security that allows us to express parts of our personality which are not normally accessible otherwise.

Dreaming of being a widow or widower when we are not suggests that we have lost part of ourselves.

A husband represents the masculine principle, the drives and ambition, and a wife the intuitive sensitive principle, so to have lost either is to have lost an essential part of the mystical union that everyone requires in order to become spiritually complete.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Material aspects: Dreaming of being a widow or widower can suggest loss and sadness, but can also suggest the independence of old age. Sometimes such a dream can mark the change in a woman’s awareness as she moves towards the ‘crone’ or wise woman.

A woman to dream of a widow highlights her ability to be free and use her own innate wisdom.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Gives gender-specific: In a man’s dream a widow may signify a deeper understanding of a woman’s needs. He may recognize that all women do not necessarily need to become dependent on him. In a woman’s dream a widower may signify her awareness that she has a right to companionship without losing her ties to her husband.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

A widow can signify the crone or wise woman and the widower the archetypal wise old man. They have the wisdom of experience. Consult the entries for marriage and wedding / wedding dress / wedding ring as well as the information on family in the people entry.

Garuda Interpretation

Vision + Depth Psychology: Would you like to withdraw from human contact for a while? Are you still attached to past experiences? Are you a “merry widow” or “widower” in the dream? Are you sad and grieving? See Man, Woman.

James R. Lewis and Evelyn Dorothy Oliver Interpretation

It has been said that a woman dreaming about being a widow can represent either fear of losing a husband or a desire to be free of one’s marriage.

The same meaning can be extended to a man dreaming about being a widower.