Dream About weapons

Seeing a soldier in a dream is interpreted in different ways. To dream that a soldier is organized by making preparations for war indicates that there are people who believe in superstition, but their number is not significant, that the number of soldiers is not significant, that the soldiers are small, that they will win, and that there will be plenty of rain in that place.

Theresa Cheung Interpretation

Weapons in dreams appear for numerous reasons. They are associated with aggression and hostility towards someone, perhaps you. They can be a warning that you need to take defensive action against something or someone that poses a real threat to you. They may also represent a secret desire within you to hurt someone.

If you dream of using a weapon against someone, do you harbor hidden anger and aggression that you have not expressed in waking life? If you do not know the person you are attacking, your weapon and victim may be symbolic representations of aspects of yourself you do not like or find hard to deal with. You may have inner conflicts that need to be resolved, or ‘killed off’.

If so, what does your unknown victim look like, and how does he, she or it react to the threat? All this may provide you with important clues.

If you have a weapon used against you in a dream this may suggest that you have done something to upset people around you or it may be that you feel you have become the victim of circumstances.

If you are shot in the dream, this may be referring to internalized aggression, past hurt or a fear of being hurt.

According to Freud, almost every weapon is a phallic symbol and many dream researchers still subscribe to this view.

If a man dreams he is attacking a woman with a weapon or hunting a woman, it may reveal an equivocal attitude towards women. A woman who dreams of being attacked may be expressing sexual insecurity or a fear of men. Weapons or firearms that malfunction in dreams or fail to work may indicate a sense of powerlessness to handle challenges in daily life. They may also suggest anxiety about sexual performance or an inability to express ideas confidently to other people.

If a work tool or other object is used as an offensive weapon, this suggests a skill or authority that has turned against you, as might happen if a teacher was taking advantage of a pupil. The atmosphere of the dream will provide the best clue for analysis, but ancient dream oracles suggest that this dream generally means you have enemies who pretend to be friends. In other words, ‘watch your back’.

Pamela Ball Interpretation

1- To dream of weapons usually suggests our desire to hurt someone or something. We have internalised our aggression and it is marginally more acceptable to dream of wreapons and of using them against people, than actually having to deal with such circumstances in everyday life. Depending on the weapon that we use we may get a fairly good idea of what the real problem is in the waking self.

An arrow indicates being pierced by some kind of powerful emotion, of being hurt by someone else through words or actions. We need to turn our attention inwards in order to make ourselves feci better, flic gun or pistol traditionally represents male sexuality and for a woman to dream of being shot often indicates her wish for, or fear of, sexual aggression.

If we are shooting the gun ourselves we may be using our masculine abilities in quite an aggressive way; in order to defend ourselves.

A knife represents the ability to cut through debris, to ‘cut into’ whatever is bothering us and to cut out the hypocrisy that perhaps is prevailing in a situation.

The sword has more than one meaning. Because of its hilt — which is a cross shape it often represents a system of belief which is used in a powerful way. Equally it can be used to suggest spiritual strength, creating an abilitv to cut awav the unneccssary more powerfully than the knife.

The sword when sheathed is the soul or the Self in the bodv.

2- To have a weapon used against us means that we have to look at how we are party to people being aggressive around us. It maybe that we have done something to upset the other person which results in aggression, or it may be that we have put ourselves in a position of becoming the victim of circumstance.

3- Various weapons can suggest varying degrees of spiritual power.

The dreamer should use this power with relevant caution.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Psychological / emotional perspective: To have a weapon used against us means that we have to look at how we are party to people being aggressive around us. It may be that we have done something to upset the other person, which results in aggression, or it may be that we have put ourselves in a position of becoming the victim of circumstance. Different weapons have various meanings: an arrow indicates being pierced by some kind of powerful emotion, of being hurt by someone else through words or actions. In order to make ourselves feel better we must turn our attention inwards.

The gun or pistol traditionally represents male sexuality and for a woman to dream of being shot often indicates her thoughts about sexual aggression.

If we are shooting the gun ourselves we may be using our masculine abilities in quite an aggressive way, in order to defend ourselves.

A knife represents the ability to cut through debris, to ‘cut into’ whatever is bothering us and to cut out the hypocrisy that perhaps is prevailing in a situation.

The sword has more than one meaning. Because of its hilt – which is a cross shape – it often represents a system of belief that is used in a powerful way. Equally it can be used to suggest spiritual strength, creating an ability to cut away the unnecessary more powerfully than the knife.

The sword when sheathed is the soul or the self in the body.

Patrica Telesco Interpretation

(see Ammunition, Armor, Axe, Knife, Fighting, Sword, Whip)

Taking up a weapon reveals hostility or fear that you may be repressing during waking hours. Turn to look upon the object of your actions. Sometimes just facing your true feelings is enough to begin the healing process.

Guns are violent, but impersonal. These reveal a source of anger or anxiety that you would prefer to keep at arm’s length. How healthy this distance is for you, however, is questionable, or your dreams would not reveal it.

A catapult indicates the ability to circumnavigate an obstacle by ingenious thought and assertive action.

Cannons can fire over a large distance, meaning the perceived threat is not nearby. Additionally, they may symbolize things that you value very little (e.g., something

best used as “cannon fodder”). As an omen, cannons portend a struggle that engages powerful torces.

Maces represent blunt realities that are so cold and firm as to nearly knock you off your feet with their realization.

Nuclear devices represent tremendous buildup of frustration to the point that it leaks into your life as a futile attitude that poisons everything.

Tony Crisp Interpretation

Guns, rockets, knives, spears, etc., depict our de­sire to hurt someone or, if we are being shot or hurt in the dream, how we have internalised our own aggression or past hurts or fear of being hurt; also defence against fears or being hurt.

If we shoot or stab someone or something, we need to consider what part of ourself we are turning our aggression upon.

If we kill or injure a recognisable person, we may be harbouring the desire to hurt or kill that person, even if only in reputation. All weapons can represent male sexual drive or aggressive sexuality.

The situation in which the action takes place: defines what the weapon expresses. Ineffective weap­ons: feelings of inadequacy.

A work tool used as a weapon: our skill or authority turned against ourself or someone else, as might happen if a doctor got sexual favours through his position.

Colette Toach Interpretation

General Meaning: The Word says that no weapon formed against you will prosper. It also teaches us to put on our own spiritual armor and weaponry.

• Weapons, regardless of their form, are a picture of warfare and of our stand against the flesh and the enemy.

• Apostle Paul also tells us that the weapons we fight with are not weapons of flesh, but of spirit. Our authority is vested in the Lord, and any action we take should be with our spiritual authority.

• 2 Corinthians 10:4 For the weapons of our warfare [are] not fleshly, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds

See also:

Arrow, Axe, Bow, Dagger, Dart, Shield, Spear, Sword.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Material aspects: To dream of weapons usually suggests our desire to hurt someone or something. We have internalized our aggression and it is marginally more acceptable to dream of weapons and of using them against people, than actually having to deal with such circumstances in everyday life. Depending on the weapon that we use we may get a fairly good idea of what the real problem is in the waking self.

To dream of squeezing the trigger of a gun, for instance, suggests that we may be at fault.

myjellybean Interpretation

To see or hold a weapon in your dream indicates a need to defend and protect yourself emotionally and/or physically. You are experiencing some conflict in your waking life. Alternatively, it suggests a fear of the opposite sex.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Various weapons can suggest differing degrees of spiritual power. This power should always be used with relevant caution. Consult the entries for armour, arrow, dagger, gun, knife and sword for further information.

Joan Seaman - Tom Philbin Interpretation

1. If holding a weapon, one feels threatened emo­tionally or physically.

2. Depending on the weapon, a phallic symbol.

Zolar Interpretation

lucky numbers: 04-09-17-26-28-43

armory full of, an: credibility is gained by works, not by force.

bludgeon, hitting a person with a: correct the source of the gossip, not the messenger.

boomerang, throwing a: be wary of revealing information unintentional y.

damaged, a: have misused valuable information for your defense.

grenade, throwing a: a stark adjustment of confidence after missing your target.

lance, a: impossible odds against formidable enemies can be overcome.

wounded by a: an error in judgment in a crucial experiment wil aggravate you.

possessing a: learn the correct defense method before proceeding.

sharp, pointed, a: your words do the damage; insight and love can heal the wound.

Julia and Derek Parker Interpretation

Freud would suggest that almost every weapon is a phallic symbol, and this is often true - but the nature of the weapon is clearly significant: if you are threatening or being threatened by a gun, a spear, a knife, you might certainly consider any possible sexual significance; a sword or a stone may have other meanings — may be symbols of power, either real or desired. A dream that you are playing with a weapon may be a sign that you have put aside violence as a merely childish way of resolving problems.

Tony Crisp Interpretation

Guns, rockets, knives, spears, etc. depict desire to hurt someone, or if we are being shot or hurt in the dream, how we have internalized aggression or past hurts or fear of being hurt; also, defense against fears or being hurt. If we shoot or stab someone or something,, we need to consider what part of ourselves we are turning aggression upon. If we kill or injure a recognizable person, we may be harboring the desire to hurt or kill that person, even if only in reputation. All weapons can represent male sexual drive or aggressive sexuality. The situation in which the action takes place: defines what the weapon expresses. Ineffective weapons: feelings of inadequacy. A work tool used as a weapon: skill or authority turned against ourselves or someone else—as might happen if a doctor got sexual favors through his position. See rocket; shot, shooting; stab. arrow Something that has really got into us, like hurtful words or actions; or being pierced by a powerful emotion, such as love; turning attention inward in a wounding way; sometimes a message, perhaps of love or endeavor. bullets, ammunition If it is something someone else has: things that you feel others can use against you, such as lies, criticism, anger, etc. If it is something _you have: attitudes or thoughts you use to bolster your confidence; things you feel or think that could be used to wound other people or even yourself; ways we defend against other people’s attack. Lacking ammunition: feeling without hope for some difficulty you are involved in, perhaps an emerging conflict with a partner or at work. gun Penis; male sexuality; anger; confidence in defending oneself against criticism, etc.; fears or anxieties; attitudes we use as a defense against emotions or realizations—a man might feel depressed about growing old, and defend himself against this with positive thoughts; also, the bulldozer emotions we sometimes use against others, like a pistol held to their head. When shot by gun: feeling hurt, wounded; being the target of criticism or hurtful remarks; fear of sex. Idioms: shot in the arm; shot across the bow; shot to pieces; shot in the dark; long shot. knife Penis, cutting intellectual insight, aggression, depending on how used in the dream; an attempt to wound someone; ability to cut through things that trap or bind you. Idioms: get one’s knife into someone; on a knife edge; under the knife (surgery); cut it out; cut the air with a knife.

Common Source

Depending the weapon can alter the meaning of the dream. Usually weapons in dreams are used to show your hurt or other peoples anger. These symbols could be preparing for major tasks or unconsciously trying to sort a battle between two forces. Using a knife or gun can alter the meaning of the dream.