If you have dreamed of Watching Someone Naked: If you get the opportunity, being away from your environment can save you from encountering people you don't want, and the opposite party, which enlarges this incompatibility, may cause arguments. Seeing someone naked in a dream indicates that the person who sees the dream will commit adultery and have bad days. But it may also be a question of watching his wife. For this reason, scholars interpret that if a person watches his wife naked, he has made a mistake, he has taken a wrong path, and he must correct his path. They interpreted that if the person he watches is not a mahram but a haram person, the person who sees has committed a haram and he should repent immediately. Because Allah (cc) says in the Qur'an: "Do not approach adultery." (Surah Isra Verse 32) It indicates that the dreamer will devote himself to the righteous path and strengthen his spirituality.
Watching someone undressed in a dream is a reason for adultery. But watching his wife is also possible. For this reason, scholars interpret that if a person watches his wife naked, he has made a mistake, he has taken a wrong path, and he must correct his path. They interpreted that if the person he watches is not a mahram but a haram person, the person who sees has committed a haram and he should repent immediately. Because Allah (cc) says in the Qur'an, "Do not approach adultery." (Verse 32 of Surat al-Isra)