DreamForth Interpretation: To dream of feeling warmth is an indication of a renewed burst of energy for an old project.
An idea you may have thought you had put aside forever may be bought into the open again.
Dreaming of someone feeling warm to you may be suggesting that another person has the solution to a current thought or question. Note the person or things in the dream for further clues.
To dream of feeling too warm may be alerting you to the fact that you are uncomfortable about an issue in your waking life and need to take action quickly.
2- Psychologically, feelings of cheerfulness and hopefulness can create an awareness of warmth and can be interchangeable.
3- A feeling of warmth in a dream can symbolise that most sought- after prize - unconditional love.
The dreamer can afford to move positively in search of this.
Often appears alongside sunlight and comfon in dreams; physical comfon and wellbeing; supportive family feelings; love, cheerfulness or hopefulness; feeling of emotional situation warming up’.
If the temperature is falling, feelings are cooling off.
Warmth in a dream can be a reflection of warm feelings and comfort. Perhaps cheerfulness or love. We also tend to refer to preliminaries as “warm up exercises.”
See hot
Often appears alongside sunlight and comfort in dreams; physical comfort and well-being; supportive family feelings; love, cheerfulness, or hopefulness; feeling of emotional situation “warming up.”