Dream About wading

Pamela Ball Interpretation: 1- Dreaming of wading puts us in the position of recognising what our emotions can do to us.

If we are impeded by the water (see Water), then we need to appreciate how our emotions can prevent us from moving forward.

If we are enjoying our wading experience, then we may expect our conncction with life to bring contentment. Sometimes the depths to which our bodies are immersed can give us information as to how we copc with external circumstances.

2- Often the feeling associated with wading can be more relevant than the action of wading itself.

For instance, to recognise that we arc not actually in water for example, we are wading through treacle can give us a clue to how we feel about ourselves or our circumstances.

3- Spiritually, wading suggests a cleansing process which ties in with baptism. Many meditations use the symbolism of walking through water.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Material aspects: Dreaming of wading puts us in the position of recognizing what effect our emotions can have on us.

If we are impeded by the water then we need to appreciate how our emotions can prevent us from moving forward.

If we are enjoying our wading experience, then we may expect our connection with life to bring contentment. Sometimes the depths to which our bodies are immersed can give us information as to how we cope with external circumstances.

For instance, if the water is chest high we should consider how much our knowledge of ourselves is being threatened. Consult the entries for baptism, emotions and water for further clarification.

Dr. Mıchael Lennox Interpretation

Any image that involves water is connecting to your emotional experience. When you wade through water, you are generally up to waist-high, which is a definite commitment to being wet but still a manageable amount to navigate by virtue of walking. To understand this symbol in a dream, apply this same sensibility to your emotional experience: enough feeling to be considerably felt, but not so much that you can’t continue to walk through the feelings.

Gustavus Hindman Miller Interpretation

If you wade in clear water while dreaming, you will partake of evanescent, but exquisite joys.

If the water is muddy, you are in danger of illness, or some sorrowful experiences.

To see children wading in clear water is a happy prognostication, as you will be favored in your enterprises.

For a young woman to dream of wading in clear foaming water, she will soon gain the desire nearest her heart.

See Bathing.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Psychological / emotional perspective: Often the feeling associated with wading can be more relevant than the action of wading itself.

To recognize that we are not actually in water – for example, we are wading through treacle or another substance which impedes our progress – can give us a clue to how we feel about ourselves or our circumstances.

Pagan - Anonymous Interpretation

Wading in clear water foretells good luck in all you are undertaking. Muddy water is a sign of bad luck, illness, or losses in love and money.

To dream of playing in the water foretells a wonderful love affair.

If the water is murky the affair will be violent.

myjellybean Interpretation

To dream of wading in clear water signifies a wonderful love affair and good luck in your undertakings.

To dream of wading in muddy water, signifies bad luck or loss of love and money.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Spiritually, wading suggests a cleansing process, which ties in with baptism. Many meditations also use the symbolism of walking through water.

Gillian Holloway Interpretation

If wading in a stream or pool gives you pleasure in a dream, the prophecy is of an invitation that you will do well to accept.

Ariadne Green Interpretation

Wading in shallow water may be a sign of your hesitation to go deeply into your feelings.

Joan Seaman - Tom Philbin Interpretation

A rebirth, baptism of sorts.

Zolar Interpretation

lucky numbers: 07-09-10-16-17-36

lovers, in clear water: their love is not secure.

muddy: disil usionment wil lead to il ness of the heart.

rough: their love wil fade completely; their vows wil remain intact.

of: wil commit a sin to gain a desire dear to your heart.

others: wil find the real truth concerning a secret.

Towers, Jacqueline Interpretation

This dream is great for you and your lover if the water is clear, but if it is muddy, the affair will not go well. If you are walking against the flow, the relationship is going nowhere.

Belter Greg Interpretation

It has to do with restoring your youth. If you haven’t had the time to go and relax at the beach, or where the nearest wading pools are at, please do so. You need to explore life in the more wonderful ways of pleasure you can find. Playing around in the water is fun! Go on a vacation to enjoy your free time. Play around a bit and smile. There’s nothing sissy about having fun. A strong current of water suggests emotions being stirred, but you’re a leader and are able to move forward.

Ian Wallace Interpretation

Opportunity to steadily work my way through a potentially messy emotional situation by taking careful and deliberate steps

Mary Summer Interpretation

stands for “testing spiritual waters” and getting one’s feet wet with new spiritual issues