Dream About victim

If you have seen a sacrificial person in your dream: You may struggle to manage the issues you are responsible for, there are conditions where you can spend more enjoyable time on material issues. To see a sacrificial person in your dream indicates that you can't get rid of the effects of some bad events, you should not act with sadness, troubled difficult life, sorrow, anger.

Theresa Cheung Interpretation

If violence or negative actions are directed against you in your dream, you may be punishing yourself in some way or feel guilty about something.

Alternatively, you may be feeling vulnerable.

If you knew your attacker, you may be unconsciously aware of a real threat that they pose to you in waking life. Another interpretation suggests that if others are behaving violently towards you in your dream, you need to take care not to upset others in waking life.

If your dream portrayed you in front of a firing squad, this is a symbol of your feelings of victimization in waking life.

If your attacker was female, this may represent the archetypal terrible mother or huntress archetype, whilst a terrible male attacker may have represented the archetypal villain or ogre. In either case, try to identify who or what it is in your waking life that makes you feel so consciously or unconsciously afraid.

If your dream attacker was an animal, the most likely interpretation is that the animal represents a problem within yourself rather than an external threat. The type of animal attacking you and your personal associations with it will be significant. Your unconscious often employs animals to symbolize aspects of your ‘animal’ or instinctual nature, so it is possible that you have neglected a basic human urge or instinct that the attack is an attempt to have recognized.

If a dream attack leaves you feeling battered and bruised from the array of blow and kicks that rained down upon you, it is possible that your unconscious is trying to kick-start you into action. Is there something you need to do or have you been lazy recently? If your injuries are serious, however, this suggests deep emotional hurt. Try to identify who attacked you or stabbed you in the back, as this could help you with your interpretation. Try to recall also if any weapons were used, as weapons often have phallic or sexual associations.

If blood is pouring out of your wounds, perhaps you are feeling drained of energy and vitality, or someone is sapping your strength.

Pamela Ball Interpretation

1- In dreams we are often aware of something happening to us over which we have no control. We are the victim in the sense that we are passive or powerless within the situation. Sometimes we are aware that we are treating others incorrectly. We arc making them victims of our own internal aggression, and not handling ourselves properly in waking life.

2- When we are continually creating ‘no-win’ situations this tendency is highlighted in dreams, but may be done so somewhat dramatically.

We may find we arc victims of burglary, rape or murder, for instance. These will not be prccog- nitive dreams unless we do not properly identify our own ability to victimise ourselves.

The nature of the difficulty may reveal itself through the dream content.

3- If the dreamer is repressing his own ability to develop spiritual potential, he will appear in a dream as a victim - a victim of his own making.

Tony Crisp Interpretation

Being the victim: feeling victimised; often depicts the chip on our shoulder. We may have been hurt at some time and go on bemoaning our fate.

The ‘chip’ may be useful in avoiding real responsibility or in hiding from trying out one’s positive creativity or sexuality. Thus we avoid possible failure or further hurt. Other person as victim: may still be as above; the hurts and damage received from relationship with others;

passive anger—by being the victim we get someone else to be a bastard and can thus sneer at them because we have manipulated them; hidden desires to avoid success, perhaps as a way of huning parent.

See victim.

Klaus Vollmar Interpretation

Some emotions, characteristics, and behaviors need to be given up.

If you are making a sacrifice in the dream, or giving something away, ask how easy it is for you to let go in real life. What you may have to let go of is symbolized by what you give away or sacrifice in the dream. On the other hand, giving something away shows how compassionate you are, and how much empathy you are capable of.

If you are a victim, pay close attention to the perpetrator and figure out how you came to be cast in the role of victim and what kind of fearful or enjoyable emotions are connected with that role.

Theresa Cheung Interpretation

When we become a victim in our dreams, it can be a tremendous aid in letting us know when we are in danger of letting ourselves be victimized, often through passivity, but also through rash or inappropriate actions. It can also help us to see our own tendency to victimize others for personal gain. In its shadow aspect, the victim shows us that we may like to play the victim at times because of the positive feedback we get in the form of sympathy or pity. Our goal is always to learn how to recognize these inappropriate attitudes in ourselves or others, and to act accordingly.

Dream Explanations - Anonymous Interpretation

Dreams of a victim represent that you are resisting stepping into your power, claiming your greatness and setting energetic boundaries. This is a venting dreams in which you are releasing the passive role that you play with people that has you feeling powerless and small while everyone else is big and powerful. This dream is giving you the message to heal your wounds and step into your power, even if it is a subtle, graceful power. Keep in mind that the victim archetype carries a false sense of righteousness and moral superiority over those who assert their power.

Martha Clarke Interpretation

The dream develops the feelings that already exist in real life.

It is possible that there are people who damage you. Or, on the contrary, maybe you are the one who has damaged others, and now the dream is turning the tables on you. In this case, it is about the expression of your guilt.

According to the majority of dream oracles, the significance of this dream is the reverse. You will be the victim if you dream that you victimize others, and vice versa.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Psychological / emotional perspective: When we are continually creating ‘no-win’ situations this tendency is highlighted in dreams, but may be done so somewhat dramatically. We may find we are victims of burglary, rape or murder, for instance. These will not necessarily be precognitive dreams apart from alerting us to the potential to become a victim.

The nature of our particular difficulty may reveal itself through the dream content.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Material aspects: In dreams we are often aware of something happening to us over which we have no control. We are the victim – in the sense that we are passive or powerless within the situation. Sometimes we are aware that we are treating others incorrectly. We are making them victims of our own internal aggression, and not handling ourselves properly in waking life.

Gustavus Hindman Miller Interpretation

To dream that you are the victim of any scheme, foretells that you will be oppressed and over-powered by your enemies. Your family relations will also be strained.

To victimize others, denotes that you will amass wealth dishonorably and prefer illicit relations, to the sorrow of your companions.

James R. Lewis and Evelyn Dorothy Oliver Interpretation

Being a victim in a dream or seeing another being victimized may denote a condition about which the dreamer feels helpless. Because the victim / rescuer theme is so widespread in life, dreams about victimization can also echo past experiences in which one felt victimized.

Betty Bethards Interpretation

Unwillingness to take responsibility for creating own life. Martyr role. Inability to discriminate between what can and cannot be changed, to release the past and create anew. The victim role has to be left behind if you would truly find your life path.

Tony Crisp Interpretation

Feeling victimised; having a passive relationship with others, or one’s own internal aggression; the aspect of self which one has injured or murdered by repression or moral condemnation.

See victim under roles; murder; aggres­sion.

Joan Seaman - Tom Philbin Interpretation

1. A sense of danger; issues of personal safety need to be ad­dressed.

2. Difficulty in accepting responsibility for actions.

3. To suffer from self-doubt, loathing.

4. Feelings of being dominated by someone or something.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

If we are repressing our ability to develop spiritual potential, we will experience ourselves in a dream as a victim, often of our own doing. You might also like to consult the entries for burglar, intruder and martyr.

myjellybean Interpretation

To dream that you are a victim suggests that you feeling powerless and helpless in a situation in your waking life.

Belter Greg Interpretation

Becoming one yourself denotes danger on the horizon. There’s two ways to avoid this from happening. One is to stay away from the location it occurs in, and number two, don’t go out and get yourself into trouble, when you can stay at home for the time being. Avoid certain routes if Heed be. Witnessing someone being hurt from a crime taking place relates to that party becoming victimized, and they should be notified at once if you know them. If you’re being held up inside of a restaurant you most likely will be then. Don’t go there!

Georg Fink Interpretation

A victim in a dream is an image harking back to the mythological cult of sacrifice. Therefore, if you dream of a victim, you are probably making sacrifices in real life. This image can also point to abstaining from, or forfeiting, something in order to appear faultless to others. Or, it could be a message to leave some bad habit on the altar of sacrifice, so that you can again be at peace with yourself.

Ian Wallace Interpretation

Aspect of my character that has the courage to fully step into my power and take positive control of an uncertain situation

Cathleen Connor Interpretation

If you dream of being a victim, it may indicate you feel helpless in a particular a situation. If someone rescues you, the dream suggests help is available.

Julia and Derek Parker Interpretation

Someone who is victimised is the subject of undue pressure of some kind; look for parallels between the victimisation in your dream and any situations or events in your waking life, then try to match up other symbols which may have occurred in your dream.

Tony Crisp Interpretation

Being the victim: feeling victimized; often depicts the chip on our shoulder. We may have been hurt sometime and go on bemoaning our fate. The “chip” may be useful in avoiding real responsibility or in hiding from trying out one’s positive creativity or sexuality. Thus we avoid possible failure or further hurt. Other person as victim: may still be as above; the hurts and damage received from relationship with others; passive anger—by being the victim we get someone else to be a bastard and can thus sneer at them because we have manipulated them; hidden desires to avoid success, perhaps as a way of hurting parent. See victim. waiter/waitress Wanting to be waited on; feeling you are being made to wait on others; wordplay for waiting around for someone else.

Tony Crisp Interpretation

Feeling victimized; having a passive relationship with others, or one’s own internal aggression; the aspect of self that one has injured or murdered by repression or moral condemnation. See victim under roles; murder; aggression.

Common Source

Being a victim in your dream refers to your feelings that people are taking advantage of you. A lack of control as you are feeling powerless and helpless in a waking situation. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are unwilling to take responsibility for your choices.