Theresa Cheung Interpretation: Telephones and cellphones in dreams are symbols of instant communication in both the real world and dreamland. The message of your dream in which you picked up the phone to call someone almost certainly indicates that you are thinking about them and need to communicate something to them.
If you had a telephone conversation that was one sided and you couldn’t get a word in, does this mirror how you feel about someone in waking life or was your unconscious simply urging you to be more assertive in waking life?
Alternatively, was your unconscious drawing your attention to your own tendency to monopolize conversations? Dreaming of phone or cellphone conversations may also be reminding you to say or do something in waking life; the context of your dream and the symbols within it may give you a clue as to what that‘something’ is.
If, in your dream, you dialed a number and nobody picked up the phone, do you feel that nobody is listening to your point of view in waking life?
Similarly if you dreamed of making a call to the emergency services, could your unconscious be expressing your fear about someone or something in your waking life or that you are in urgent need of support or help.