Theresa Cheung Interpretation: Vegetables and fruit are a vital source of nourishment in the real world, and in dreamland their reference is usually to feeding the emotions rather than nourishing the body.
In general, fertility and readiness are associated with ripe and succulent fruit. To see fruit in your dream may therefore signify a period of growth, abundance, sweet reward and financial gain. However, if you dream of fruit that is past its ripeness, it is said to represent a missed opportunity or a loss of fertility. You are thought to be concerned with nourishment, fullness or abundance if you dream of vegetables; or feel you are lacking these things if the vegetables are spoiled or of poor quality. According to Freud, dreams that feature vegetables and fruits may be of a sexual nature, depending on the shape of the vegetable and your feelings in the dream. For Jungians, vegetables are symbols of personal growth indicating the need for spiritual nourishment.
Interpreting the symbolism of fruits and vegetables in your dream depends on how you feel about them in daily life; whether you like them for their taste and nutritional value, or find them dull and boring. You may be projecting a need to feed your body or soul, or reflecting on a dull and not very satisfying part of life. The number, shape, color, taste and type of vegetable or fruit and the overall content and feeling of your dream also need be considered.