Dream About vanishing

Zolar Interpretation: lucky numbers: 16-20-30-31-32-38

friends: other’s difficulties with you can be traced to your unwil ingness to share.

mate: wil cause unhappiness with your extreme impulsiveness.

members of family: wil have good business, though minor problems are stifling your profits.

of: rumors wil irritate you and their suppression wil be your lasting goal.

own possessions: have a hard life ahead: hardwood floors, doors, windows and frames.

Belter Greg Interpretation

The dreamer is safe from leaving though. You’ve been seeing people or things lately. It looks like magic! Quite frankly the spirit people had your keen eye set on them, only to bring them to your attention! First they seem quite natural, but when you wake up, and know you saw someone disappear, and that your eyes weren’t playing tricks, yes, it’s you who has seen the outstanding work in a disappearing act!