Dream About two

If you saw two in your dream: You should avoid exaggerated behavior in the evening, Speculative issues may come up. Seeing two in a dream is called time in real life. It is also pointed out that the things that the dreamer desires will come true up to two times, and the indecision that the dreamer will experience. It is pointed out that the person who sees the dream will give up on getting married because of the problems he encounters while preparing for marriage, turn back from the way he entered, instead of telling about the problems he has experienced, he will throw himself into it and this will cause bigger problems. It is interpreted that the person will act impulsively but will regret it later.

Seeing two in a dream should get tired in reality as well. The number two usually means a lot of different meanings as it indicates that a good situation will happen in two time. The role of other factors seen in the interpretation of dreams is also quite large. Seeing two is also referred to as a person's indecision. The dream, which usually points to an anxiety or worry experienced in important situations, indicates that the person will not be sure of his decision, and that he will have difficulty in interpreting what is right and wrong for him. He states that for those who are preparing for marriage, they will suddenly give up on getting married because of some inconveniences, but instead of sharing this situation with their families, they will internalize it, and therefore they will be unhappy. It also means making a sudden decision and regretting it later, lying and having a guilty conscience.

Garuda Interpretation

The number Two is a symbol of partnership, dualism, contrasts, light and dark, polarity, the Light and the Darkness. Two is the symbol of the moon and regarded as feminine. It stands for gentleness, sensitivity, rich imagination, creative talents, idealism, and romance. Two-type people are less strong than One-people, but they have patience and perseverance. They are not very assertive, are overly sensitive, and tend to be melancholy. Two-people are balanced, thrive on harmony, are restrained, passive, and give in easily. Friendships are important to them and arc nurtured.

Generally speaking, Two might be a symbol of polarity— contradictions, good versus evil, spirit versus matter. It represents femininity, the ability to give and receive, and freedom of decision. This number tells you that everything has two sides and encourages you to reconcile contradictions and opposites or to balance them.

See Moon.

Two-people have birthdays on the second, 11th (the master number), and 29th of the month.

Theresa Cheung Interpretation

Two stands for diversity, partnership, soul and receptivity. It can also symbolize double weakness or double strength, and two sides to an argument. Two represents duality, as in male and female, mother and father, yin and yang, heaven and earth. Two is the number of dialogue rather than monologue, and it suggests harmony and interaction between the unconscious and conscious mind. On the other hand, two can also suggest division and separation, ambiguity of meaning (being in two minds), or ambivalence or indecision over some issue or person. The number of the Tarot’s High Priestess, the card of feminine intuition and insight is associated with the number two.

Eric Ackroyd Interpretation

(1) The number two may be a symbol of conflict: for example, between two parts of yourself (which may be represented in the dream by yourself - the dream ego - and an adversary, or by hostile brothers / sisters / twins).

See also Underdog.

(2) Two may also symbolize a union or partnership: for example, of conscious and unconscious or masculine and feminine elements in the psyche. Such union or partnership is always fruitful and creative. (In Indian philosophy one is an arid number; two - male and female — can create. A Hindu god is always represented as two-in-one, a union of male and female.) See also Couple, Hermaphrodite, Marriage.

Dr. Mıchael Lennox Interpretation

When a second joins the one and two is formed, a partnership is created.

The concept of relativity evolves out of the energy of two, as the one has something to which it experiences itself as relative to.

The one can now know itself as self, because there is that which is “other.” All of the elements of two are embodied in this idea: partnership, duality, opposites, yin / yang, balance, and sharing, to name just a few.

The shadow side of two is the potential for collapsing into one another and losing the sense of self.

Tony Crisp Interpretation

Duality, indecision; balance; male and female, two sides to an argument—or a way of comparing; opposition; the op- posites, such as light and darkness; parents and reproductive possibility. Chased by, fighting with two people: two against one feeling, as may have happened with child and parents;

feeling odds are against one. Idioms: put two and two to­gether, two’s company; two timer, in two minds.

Klaus Vollmar Interpretation

The opposites and contradictions that are in need of differentiation and balance. Your ambivalence is becoming known, which is a positive development.

According to Jung, two identical symbols refer to the unconscious, because two identical things cannot be distinguished from one another. Messengers from the underworld, for that reason, appear usually in twos.

Nancy Wagaman Interpretation

A connection or partnership (such as a friendship or other relationship).

Companionship or the idea of not being alone.

A commitment between two people or parties.

Support (personal, spiritual, etc.).

Something else you associate with two, such as a time frame, someone’s age, or your parents.

See also: Number; Relationship; Second Place

Ariadne Green Interpretation

The number two represents partnerships, marriages, and the balance of the masculine and feminine aspects of the psyche.

A dream including the number two may express concern about finding a mate or concerns about problems in a relationship or marriage.

The number two also signifies duality, separation, or the union of opposites.

Dream Explanations - Anonymous Interpretation

If you dream of the number two, then this signifies partnership, relationship, intimacy, duality, polarity, completion, and fulfillment.

The Two in the I-Ching represents receptivity, sensitivity, and femininity. So, this dream is suggesting that you are open and receptive to a fulfilling partnership.

Patrica Telesco Interpretation

(see Numbers)

Division or unity that results in improved strength or accented weakness.

Duality 7, adversity, ambivalence, or insincerity (e.g., being “two faced”).

Partnership; two forces joining to improve each and create a stronger oneness (as in marriage or business).

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Duality, indecision, balance, male vs. Female, two sides to an argument, opposites. Placidity, integrity, unselfishness, gregariousness, harmony. Indecision, indifference, lack of responsibility, bloody-mindedness.

DreamForth Interpretation

To dream of the number ‘two’ stands for balance, partnership, and receptivity. It may also mean twice the power or twice the headache.

The number two represents two different, interacting forces.

Joan Seaman - Tom Philbin Interpretation

1. Partnership, unity and interdependence.

2. Diversity, duality, sometimes opposite individuals standing together.

3. Balance and symmetry.

myjellybean Interpretation

In dreams, the number two stands for diversity, partnership and the soul. It can also symbolize double weakness or double strength.

Margaret Hamilton Interpretation

Unity and division

Vincent Wienand Interpretation

See Numbers.

Jean Boushahla Interpretation

the beginning of a division of the Whole; God and people, lower and higher nature; a couple, as in a love or marital relation. The symbol of duality; the number of polarity, good and evil, choices, life and death, spirit and matter; two languages— physical and metaphysical; Adam and Eve —Creative Force manifesting in human form. The second spiritual center —the cells of Leydig, balancing of masculine/feminine qualities. Some strengths of the two are courteousness, consistency, gentleness, orderliness. The weaknesses, being doubting, critical, shy, gullible. Personality traits: someone who desires companionship, full of love and service, charming, tactful, gentle; having a desire for balance; a dual nature that is the binding of opposites. On the negative side, careless, discontented, cowardly, tends toward a bad temper and cruelty. The two needs to learn the value of discipline. Taurus (May, an earth sign), the second sign of the Zodiac, is concerned with making resources grow; material security; loves peace and calm. Should guard against rigidity, stubbornness and negativity, resistance to change.

Georg Fink Interpretation

The number two is a symbol for opposites, such as good or evil and being or non-being. iWHn a dream may also stand forobstacls in real life that are in the way. Or, ill I may represent infinite feminmitylas seen when a woman gives hersellto a man so that he can fulfill his intrinsic purpose. (See also “Number.”)

Ian Wallace Interpretation

Realization that my instincts have been confirmed so I can have the confidence to explore the value of my wider potential

Cathleen Connor Interpretation

Two is the number of relationship and partnership. When it shows up in your dreams it may be telling you something about your personal or business relationships, the opportunities and the challenges. Two is also the number of harmony and balance, as well as duality — of opposites. You may be asked to make a choice between two options.

Mary Summer Interpretation

represents weakness and vacillation

Julie Gillentine Interpretation


Tony Crisp Interpretation

See two under numbers.