Theresa Cheung Interpretation: A symbol of family tradition, the tree trunk can also represent your individuality and your conscious mind, whilst the bark symbolizes the image or persona you present to others.
If the bark on the tree was strong and tight, then your approach to life is straightforward and direct but if it was peeling, then perhaps you are feeling vulnerable or are worried that others can see right through you. A rough trunk suggests a rough and ready personality, whereas a smoother trunk would indicate more sophistication. Tree sap can be associated with blood so if it appears in your dream, perhaps with insects feeding on the oozing sap, it could be that your energy levels are currently low and you are feeling worn down by petty irritations. You can tell the age of a tree by counting the rings on the felled stump; in a dream, these rings may represent your past experiences and the wisdom you have gained in your life.