Dream About tree blossom

If you have seen a Tree Blossom in a dream: What you say may not coincide with what you have in mind, however, it will keep your psychology strong and you will know how to look at things more calmly, it's time to wear pink glasses. To see a tree flower in a dream; It denotes an arrogant, unhelpful person, a harmful person, or a person who does not show patience in his work. According to Molla Cami: It denotes a person who has no patience for difficulties and regular and determined work. According to some interpreters, seeing this flower is interpreted as a dangerous, arrogant and unprofitable person. Jabir'ul Moorish says: The person who sees that he plucks and eats the flower of a tree in his dream will hear good words from the person represented by that tree in the season. According to a rumor, he provides good and benefit from that person. Whoever sees that he is smelling one of these flowers will be praised by the person to whom that tree is natural.