Dream About travelling to the future

Ian Wallace Interpretation:

Dream: You are still the same age but have somehow travelled into the future. People are talking into strange shiny devices and wearing futuristic clothes but still seem to have the same disagreements as they do in the present. You are intrigued by all the new technology and are eager to use it to advance yourself. Although it seems bewildering at first, you soon start to understand how it all works. Even though it is the future, you keep encountering problems from the past that you thought would have been resolved by now.

Meaning: When you dream of travelling to the future you are considering how you can advance yourself and realize some of your ambitions in waking life. The future is usually represented in dreams by the level of technological advancement and the more revolutionary the technology, the further forward you seem to have travelled in time. The communication devices symbolize how people relate to each other and their clothes represent the behaviour they exhibit to each other. Although their attire is shiny and futuristic, it seems that people are still arguing and falling out in the same way as they do in the present. Even though you thought technology would solve everything, human characteristics and behavioural patterns with all their habits and flaws still prevail. Relying on technological advances to take you into the future indicates that you often look for external answers to advance your ambitions. No matter how much you rely on outside assistance, however, you need to travel to your inner self to really move your hopes and aspirations forward. Your journey to the future may also show that you feel unfulfilled in the present and it is time to move on. Although you would like an easy and laboursaving way to do this, it usually takes a commitment of time and effort to enable you to move forward. The further you travel on your journey of inner discovery, the sooner you will step into your ideal future.

Action: This dream is inviting you to explore what your future holds and to consider it in greater detail. You might presume that everything will be much better in the future but you know that you will need to shift some of your perspectives to really make it happen. Rather than relying on external assistance, you can use your imagination to travel through time and envision the future you want to have. As soon as you start to do this, your future often begins to manifest itself in small ways that begin to appear as you build up your new world.

Background: The future used to be portrayed in stories as an idealized utopia with people flying around using jet packs and having access to free energy and unlimited space travel. The more that we travel into the future, however, the more dystopian it seems to have become. Books such as Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and films like Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner show us that, even with the most modern technologies, we still have to communicate at a human level. The most fulfilling way to travel into our futures is often by understanding the identities, needs and beliefs of our fellow human travellers.