If you lose your teeth after they fall out and you can't find them again, it may indicate that your relatives will change city or country to work, as well as how many teeth have fallen out. This business journey and the situation abroad will be extremely beneficial for them. Things will be much better when they return.
A toothpick in a dream may indicate that you are being picky. Toothpicks may also indicate the need to remove deeply embedded beliefs about a topic of communication before saying anything more. On the other hand, a toothpick may also comment on the need for assertive communication.
If you merely see a toothpick in your dream (but don’t use it), it means you are too picky. You needlessly dwell on minor flaws, faults and unimportant issues.
See Teeth.
Used to pick at one’s words, removing the undesirable
Ability to pick out any aspects of my previous experiences I no longer find fulfilling so I can let them go
connotes the presence of a negative aspect “lodged” in one’s routine communication style