Dream About teachers

Dr. Michael Lennox Interpretation: Universal Landscape: The steps toward mastery.

Dreaming Lens: Who was the teacher in your dream? Was this a real teacher from your life, or an unknown character? How did you feel about this teacher? What class were you taking? Was the teacher out of the context of a classroom? Were you the teacher?

Personal Focus: Learning occurs by accumulating small increments of data that build upon each other. This results in the eventual ability to understand a theory or concept. A teacher in a dream is a Character Aspect of the dreamer. It represents the part of your personality that is aware of your current level of knowledge in some area of life. Teachers know what piece of information needs to be added next in order for learning to take place.

A figure of authority, the teacher is the one person at school who knows what the lesson plan is. They have both the questions and the answers. They not only control what happens in the classroom, but they also know why things are ordered in a particular way. Each of our teachers presented us with the specific information needed to master a particular level of our functioning. As we mastered one grade level, we moved on to new lessons and new teachers. While this ideal may not have been the actual schoolroom experience for most people, the principle is the same. Any teacher in a dream represents the part of you that understands this concept of step-by-step mastery and provides the mental environment in which learning and advancement occurs, or when it is blocked.

There is great patience built into this process, even though many of your teachers in life may have lacked this quality. When a teacher appears in your dream, examine him or her as a Character Aspect of yourself. Their behavior toward you in the dream and your resulting feelings will offer you insight as to how well your inner guidance system is operating and to what degree you are showing yourself patience with the pace of your growth. A kindly teacher will result in a very different interpretation from one who is abusive.

If the teacher in your dream was one from your waking life, how you feel about him or her is the interpretation itself. A positive role model will have very different meaning than your hated nemesis. If the teacher is unknown to you, then you must look to other elements in the dream to inform your investigation. Are you receptive to the lessons that life is serving up at the time of your dream, or are you resisting? Will you pass your examinations and move up to the next grade level, or be left back to repeat what you have not yet learned?