Dream About tax

Pamela Ball Interpretation: In everyday life, a tax represents a sum of money exacted from us in return for the right to live a certain lifestyle. In dreams, therefore, having to pay a tax suggests some kind of a penalty for living the way we choose.

In real terms, a tax represents the extra amount of effort necessary to enable us to belong to society. Thus, dreaming of car tax would indicate that greater effort is needed to move forward.

To be paying income tax suggests that we may feci we owe a debt to society.

To be paying council tax may suggest that we feel we have to pay for the ‘space’ in which we exist. Refusing to pay any taxes suggests an unwillingness to conform.

Spiritually, any tax levied in a dream would indicate our attitude towards working for the greater, or communal, good. We need to take some responsibility for the universe we live in.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Psychological / emotional perspective: In real terms, a tax represents the extra amount of effort necessary to enable us to belong to society. Thus, dreaming of car tax would indicate that greater effort is needed to move forward.

To be paying income tax suggests that we may feel we owe a debt to society.

To be paying council tax may suggest that we feel we have to pay for the ‘space’ in which we exist. Refusing to pay any taxes suggests an unwillingness to conform.

Nancy Wagaman Interpretation

The idea of participating in or contributing to society or the world.

A requirement by an authority figure in your life.


A commitment, agreement, or arrangement (financial or otherwise).

A demand on you.

A challenging situation.

An issue of responsibility or personal integrity.

See also: Paying; Money; Giving; Tollway

Dream Explanations - Anonymous Interpretation

Dreams of being taxed usually signify that you are venting out feelings and attitudes about being punished for having something taken from you unwillingly. This dream also reflects your attitudes about sharing resources, about what you owe, and/or what is due you.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Material aspects: In everyday life, a tax represents a sum of money exacted from us in return for the right to live a certain lifestyle. In dreams, therefore, having to pay a tax suggests some kind of a penalty for living the way we choose.

Joan Seaman - Tom Philbin Interpretation

1. Emotional drain—usually a situation, often a relationship.

2. Success in money matters, affluence.

3. Overcoming prob­lems, obstacles to success.

4. Sacrifice, hard work ahead (in­ability to pay).

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Spiritually, any tax levied in a dream would indicate our attitude towards working for the greater, or communal, good. We need to take some responsibility for the universe we live in.

Betty Bethards Interpretation

Unnecessary burden you place upon self; self-judgment. Being stretched beyond your limit in a taxing situation. Taxing your energy and not rebuilding through meditation, nurturing.

Tony Crisp Interpretation

Feeling ‘taxed’; what we owe to life and society for our existence; how much of self we want to give.

Tyler Wolfe Interpretation

Taxes or a tax notice is symbolic of earthly government, Matt. 17:25

Margaret Hamilton Interpretation

A burdensome duty or rigorous demand

Zolar Interpretation

lucky numbers: 02-21-23-31-41-47

being a, collector: wil have to press yourself unduly to feel pride in yourself.

cheating on calculations: be wary of even bigger losses; ask friends for aid.

filling out a, return: discontent and foreboding over loss of good earnings.

lien, having a: your financial embarrassment wil be published.

of taxes: wil have to endure a great sacrifice to meet the obligation of another.

being unable to pay: are placing an unnecessary burden on yourself.

paying: wil be stretched beyond your limit to render service to a friend.

receiving a, refund: change for the better on your own, not with your stingy relations.

Ian Wallace Interpretation

Ability to be fully accountable for realizing the value of my talents rather than burdening myself with unnecessary commitments

Mary Summer Interpretation

represents an additional responsibility or debt

Tony Crisp Interpretation

Feeling “taxed”; what we owe to life and society for our existence; how much of self we want to give.