Talking to a stranger in a dream is interpreted as a job change, sector or field change. It means that the dreamer will enter a job that he thinks will be more profitable for him. It means that a person is already making plans and programs in order to stretch his feet and live comfortably in the future and proceed accordingly.
A person who talks to a man he does not know in a dream will soon be in an assembly of people he does not know. This dream indicates making new friends, establishing new friendships, talking to different people and chatting with them, asking for help from a rude superior who will give him trouble.
It indicates that the spirituality is weakened, that the person ignores the traditions, does not attach importance to family values, and is spiritually lost. For a woman, the dream, which also expresses the warnings she will receive from her close circle upon acting by ignoring her chastity, also means to surprise loved ones in a negative way and to be alone as a result of going overboard in attitudes and behaviors.