It indicates that the bad things for a long time will be opened, the problems will disappear completely, the troubles will end in a short time, the business will be alright, a new social environment will be entered, a project that has been worked on for a long time will be implemented and property will be owned.
It means that a very good and great profit will be obtained from the work done, the work will bring a lot of noise, the troubles and sorrows will end, there will be no problems in business life, the bad people will be removed from the household, the broken hearts will come together again and the hard days will be left behind. It is interpreted that there will be a very auspicious union with a good-hearted and helpful person and then entering the world house.
It indicates that the dreamer, who lives in a beautiful and peaceful way, will be confused when things go wrong, he will witness the change of the people around him, and he will receive false news even from the people he trusts the most. It means that there will be an increase in the number of people who want to use their financial opportunities and that a family member or a close relative will cooperate with the enemies.