Theresa Cheung Interpretation: If a rock or stone featured in your dream, it is important to take into account the context of your dream and your emotions when trying to understand the message from your dreaming mind. Bearing in mind that dream stones can represent your very heart and soul, pay attention to what the rock looked like and what attracted you to it. For example, if you admired the stone, this suggests emotional strength; but if you picked up a pebble at random and flung it at someone or something, the stone could represent your coldness of heart, the hard feelings you are harboring against someone or your attempts to keep others at an emotional distance.
Dreaming of stone or a stone floor or path can suggest emotional inhibition or coldness as well as stability and durability.
If you are carving stone in your dream, you may be trying to make a lasting impression on the world.
If stone is broken up in your dream, you may be experiencing extreme emotional hurt. Being turned into stone means hardening your approach or attitude, and if stones are thrown at you, this could suggest feelings of guilt for a misdemeanor. There is also the drug association to consider, as in being ‘stoned’.
To dream of a rock or rocky landscape suggests security, reliability and stability in real life. You need to stand rock-like and not be dissuaded from your purpose. Seaside rock may remind you of childhood or of carefree times.
Alternatively, like stones, rocks are associated with coldness, rigidity, barriers and stubbornness; your dream may be highlighting these qualities within yourself. Consider also whether you have found yourself between a rock and a hard place in waking life?