Dream About steal

Martha Clarke Interpretation: Seeing a thief stealing your things means that you are afraid to lose your possessions. On the other hand, if it is you who is stealing, it indicates resentment towards someone. You may be trying to take ownership of foreign goods or feelings; or you may have set goals so high that now you have to break the rules to reach them.

Some superstitions associate this dream with love problems.

Stearn Robinson - Tom Corbett Interpretation

A dream of stealing is a warning to be extra cautious in money or investment matters for the next few months, unless you were caught, which is a dream of contrary and signifies good luck.

See also Spoons.

Margaret Hamilton Interpretation

Literal warning

Betty Bethards Interpretation

See Burglar.

Dream Explanations - Anonymous Interpretation

See Thief.

Towers, Jacqueline Interpretation

Stealing in a dream is a warning that you should be extremely careful with all money matters over the following months. If you are caught, good luck is assured.

Mary Summer Interpretation

reveals an unwillingness to expend efforts toward goals; impatience