Dream About someone's prayer disrupted

If you dreamed that someone's prayer was broken: There may be setbacks in communicative matters, there may be last-minute changes in participation in some environment or subjects. To see that someone's prayer is invalidated in a dream indicates that someone you know breaks the prayer while praying, deviating from the right path or committing a sin. This dream indicates a deviation from the wrong path by giving up religious duties. A person who intentionally breaks his prayer in a dream will deliberately get involved in business and have problems. Breaking a prayer unknowingly indicates experiencing sadness and having bad days due to reasons that do not originate from oneself. If the person whose prayer is broken in his dream is not known, these terms are valid for the dreamer.

In a dream, if someone you know breaks the prayer while praying, it indicates that he will stray from the right path or commit a sin. This dream means not fulfilling religious duties and experiencing trouble by making mistakes. A person who intentionally breaks his prayer in a dream commits a mistake. Breaking a prayer without knowing it is a sign of experiencing sadness or harming people for reasons that do not originate from oneself. If the person whose prayer is broken in his dream is not known, these terms are valid for the dreamer.