Dream About silencing a crying person

The person who sees that he silences someone while he is crying in his dream, gives an important and vital help to a close friend. It also signifies being with the loved ones materially and spiritually and being a balm for the wounds of others.

It indicates that people who have their own workplace and employ workers under their auspices will take an extremely arrogant attitude and fall into sin because they care too much about their position and consider themselves superior to the employees, and that they will take their curses by persecuting or exerting excessive pressure on the employees. This dream indicates that as a result of ignoring the life of the hereafter and focusing only on his life in this world, he will have difficulty in recovering his faith, which later weakened, and that he will suffer and repent in the future due to his involvement in many sins and dirty works.

The person who silences a crying person in his dream helps people not to make mistakes by showing them the right way. This dream portends a well-meaning man. This person warns the people around him about the wrong ones as much as he can and gives the necessary advice for them to lead a good life.