Dream About sign symbol

Theresa Cheung Interpretation: Dream symbols can have both positive and negative associations but some dream symbols do tend to have more positive associations than negative and these include: Acorn: To dream of an acorn indicates a huge growth process from small beginnings. Advice: Receiving advice in a dream means you should consider guidance from within. Angels: often considered to be divine messengers. Artist: This dream image urges you to recognize the artist within you. Ascension: A breakthrough in your waking life. Bamboo: Good breeding, long life and a fulfilling old age. Basket that is full: Symbol of abundance. Birds: Symbol of freedom and liberation. Birth: Symbol of new beginnings. Blue skies: Symbol of optimism. Breeze: Symbol of love and contentment. Cup: Symbol of intuitive information: Daisy: Symbol of innocence and purity. Death: Symbol of new beginnings. Dove: Symbol of peace. Eagle: Symbol of inspiration and strength. Easter egg: Symbol of potential. Garland: Symbol of distinction or honor. Honey: Symbol of pleasure and sweetness. Knight: The guiding principle of your life; the spirit guiding the physical. Light: Symbol of inspiration and illumination. Mandala: Sacred shape of unity and healing.

Pyramid: Symbol of power, wonder and regeneration. Rainbow: Symbol of hope and redemption. Summer: Symbol of good times in life. Yes: Occasionally in your dream you may become aware that you are saying‘yes’, and this is an instinctive acceptance of the need for personal growth; Yin Yang: Symbol of balance and harmony.