Pamela Ball Interpretation: 1- A shovel in a dream will signify a need to dig into past experiences for information. We may need to uncover a past joy or trauma, or possibly even a learning experience.
The type of spade or shovel will be of relevance.
A garden spade would suggest being totally pragmatic, whereas a fire shovel would indicate a need to take care.
2- Since a shovel can suggest a degree of introspection, of covering up, what is being shovelled is important. We are needing to be mindful of the content of our lives. Shovelling compost, for instance, would mean considering the sum total and most fertile aspects of our lives, whereas shovelling sand might suggest an experience of time.
3- A shovel is an implement or tool which can be used to help us uncover what is spiritually correct.
Psychological / emotional perspective: Since a shovel or spade can suggest a degree of introspection, of covering up, what is being moved is important. We need to be mindful of the content of our lives. Digging compost, for instance, would mean considering the sum total and most fertile aspects of our lives, whereas shovelling sand, with its attendant dangers, might suggest trying to manipulate time.
The type of spade or shovel will be of relevance.
A garden spade would suggest being totally pragmatic, whereas a fire shovel would indicate a need to take care.
A shovel is an implement or tool which can be used to help us uncover what is spiritually correct.
Introspection, the work of digging into our memories; uncovering our past experience.
Introspection; the work of digging into your memories; the techniques you are using to uncover your past experience or what is unconscious and therefore buried.