Dream About shapes patterns

Pamela Ball Interpretation: 1- The number of sides the shape has will be significant (See Numbers), as will the colours (See Colours). At a certain stage of development the geometric shapes which will give the individual a greater understanding of the abstract world begin to appear in dreams.

It is as though the old perception of form is beginning to take on a new- meaning and interpretation.

2- The dreamer accepts the nature of things as they are, and can look at the fundamental structure of his nature. He can appreciate the basic shape his life is taking without placing emotional inhibitions in the way.

3- Various shapes and patterns can be interpreted as:

The Centre The centre symbolises the point from which everything starts. In relation to shape, il Ls the point from which the pattern grows. Circle The circle represents the inner being or the Self (see Introduction).

It is also unity and perfection.

A circular object such as a ring may have the same meaning as the circle.

A circle with a dot in the centre can signify the soul in completion.

It is sometimes taken to represent Woman.

Crescent (including the sickle and crescent moon) This signifies the feminine, mysterious power which is intuitive and non-rational. Cross Any cross stands for the realisation (in the sense of making real) of spirit into matter. Moving through the symbol of the sword to the equal armed-cross, from there to the cross of suffering and crucifixion, and finally to the Tau of perfection, the soul learns through experience to overcome the obstacles to spiritual progression.

The four arms pointing in opposite directions signify conflict, anguish and distress, but ultimately going through these to reach perfection.

The hung cross with the figure of Christ represents the sacrifice of self for others.

The intersection signifies the reconciliation of opposites.

The three upper arms are said to stand for God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, but more property thcv indicate any Divine Trinity.


see Square Diamond A diamond in a dream indicates that we have greater and lesser options available. Hexagram A hexagram is a geometric figure which symbolises the harmonious development of the physical, social and spiritual elements of human life and its integration into a perfect whole. Oval The oval is symbolic of the womb, and also of feminine life. Called the Vesica Piscis, it is the halo which completely encircles a sacred figure.

Patterns (in cloth, mosaic etc.) In dreams the patterns which appear as part of the scenario can categorise how we handle the patterns and perhaps repeated behaviours in our lives. Pent a gram / Pent angle / Pentagram - see Star Sphere The sphere has a similar meaning to the globe (see individual entry), and indicates perfection and completion of all possibilities. Spiral (also see labyrinth in L Section) The spiral is the perfect path to evolution.

The principle is that everything is continually in motion, but also continually rising or raising its vibration.

If the spiral is towards the centre we are approaching our own centre by an indirect route.

A clockwise spiral, moving outward to the right is a movement towards consciousness and enlightenment.

If counterclockwise the movement is towards the unconscious, probably regressive behaviour. There is also a connection with the navel or solar plexus as the centre of power. Square or Cube The square or cube signifies the manifestation of spirit into matter. It represents the earthly realm as opposed to the heavens.

A square within a circle suggests the act of ‘becoming’ or taking on form.

The figure within a square is the Self or perfect Man. Any square object signifies the enclosing and feminine principle. Star The star, particularly if it is a bright one, indicates the individual’s hopes, aspirations and ideals.

It is those things we must reach for.

The five-pointed star or pentagram evokes personal magic, and all matter in harmony.

To be correct, the star should point upwards. In dreams it signifies the dreamer’s ownership of his own magical qualities and aspirations.

If it is pointing downwards it symbolises evil and witchcraft.

The six- pointed star, or Star of David, is made up of one triangle pointing upward and another pointing downward: the physical and the spiritual arc joined together in harmony to create wisdom. Twelve stars signify both the Twelve Tribes of Israel and the Apostles. Swastika The swastika with its arms moving clockwise portrays Ideal Man and the power lie has for good. In Eastern symbolism it signifies the movement of the sun.

The swastika moving counter-clockwise in this form signifies all that is sinister and wrong. It was always recognised that Hitler had connections with magic.

It is not known whether his choice of swastika was deliberate or not.

Triangle The triangle represents Standing Man, with his three parts body; mind and spirit (or being). Consciousness and love manifest through his physicality. There is potential still to be realised.

If the triangle points upwards, human nature moves towards the Divine.

If it is pointing down it is spirit seeking expression through the physical.

The triangle can also represent family relationships that is, father, mother and child. There is a game based on shapes in which you draw a square, a circle and a triangle, and then get someone else to elaborate each of the basic shapes into a drawing. Whatever he makes of the square is supposed to relate to his outlook on the world, the circle to his inner being and the triangle to his sex life.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Material aspects: We can accept the nature of things as they are and can look at the fundamental structure of our nature. We can appreciate the basic shape our lives are taking without placing inhibitions in the way. There is a game based on shapes in which you draw a square, a circle and a triangle, and then get someone else to elaborate each of the basic shapes into a drawing. Whatever they make of the square is supposed to relate to their outlook on the world, the circle to their inner being and the triangle to their sex life. Such images give potent material for dream work.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

Psychological / emotional perspective: The number of sides a shape has will be significant, as will the colours. Considerable symbology has grown up around shape. You might also like to consult the entries for archetypes, colours, globe, labyrinth and numbers, as well as the information on spiritual imagery and symbols in the introduction. You might also like to consult the entries for archetypes, colours, globe, labyrinth and numbers, as well as the information on spiritual imagery and symbols in the introduction.

Versatile - Anonymous Interpretation

At a certain stage of spiritual development, geometric shapes that will give us a greater understanding of the abstract world begin to appear in dreams.

It is as though our old perceptions of form are beginning to take on new meaning and interpretation.