Garuda Interpretation: Vision: Seeing your own shadow: detach from negative friends—troubles and grief are at your door. Sitting in the shade: be careful—someone is about to cheat you. Seeing the shadows of objects: you are worrying for no reason—the danger you see exists onlyr in your imagination!
Depth Psychology: The shadcjw represents your present uncertain situation. You are ambivalent. But the shadow is also a svmbol of your unconscious. Seeing a shadow ahead or in front of you: you are “projecting” into the future. Seeing a shadow behind you: you are holding on to old fears and feelings of guilt. Or do you believe that you are standing in someone’s shadow? Other dream images might tell the tale.
The unaccepted or repressed aspects of one’s own personality; feeling “put in the shade”; feelings still overshadowing one from past experiences or relationships; feeling inferior; protection; occasionally a sense of the dead or fear of the unknown; negative emotions; the subtle presence or “soul” of the person whose shadow it is. A shadow can also be a sign of coming events, the shadows cast from the future. This is because we often see someone’s shadow before we see them. Idioms: afraid of one’s shadow; shades of; shadow of one’s former self; worn to a shadow. See the Shadow under archetypes; shadowy figure.