Astro Center Interpretation: If the sexual encounter is with someone the dreamer loves and desires, and who reciprocates his or her feelings, then happy times with that person lie ahead.
If the encounter is with someone whose feelings the dreamer isn’t sure of, it could mean the same, but it could also be nothing more than a wish-fulfillment dream. Look to other symbols in the dream in order to discern its true meaning.
If the encounter is an unpleasant one with either a stranger or someone whom the dreamer does NOT like, the dreamer is trying to avoid a distasteful choice or confrontation that perhaps should actually be faced.
If the encounter is a pleasant one with a partner that the dreamer does not know, then the dreamer is about to gain something that he’s been wanting for a long time. Again, to ascertain what it is, look to other symbols in the dream. Astrological parallels: Venus, Mars, Taurus, Scorpio Tarot parallel: The Lovers