If you have seen Seven in a dream: You can spend time with your friends in the morning, although some deals may seem good, they may not fully satisfy you. To see seven in a dream is interpreted as the luck and fortune of the dreamer. It indicates that the work of the dreamer will become easier, he will have the opportunity to realize his ideals and he will achieve the comfortable and comfortable life he desires. To see the number seven in one's dream, other elements should be known in order to be interpreted in more detail.
Seeing seven in a dream is usually interpreted as good luck. It also means that the things to be done will become easier, the person will achieve his goals without difficulty and he will have the beautiful life he has always dreamed of. If the number seven is seen, other elements in the dream should also be considered. For the broad interpretation of the dream, it is useful to remember what the number seven is about.
The week has Seven davs. four times Seven is the month of the moon. There are Seven deadlv sins and Seven virtues. Seven is the symbol for Neptune. Seven-people long for adventure—from pure lust and traveling and discovery, to cultivated, intellectual pleasures. They love company, but deep down they are loners with curious interests (mysticism, philosophy, religion, and art). ‘They have a strong intuitive sense and great imagination, which often appears reserved or introverted.
The mind rules over matter, and the soul fascinates them just as much. Their strong sensibilities often lead them to become mystics—or daydreamers.
Generally speaking, the Seven often hides inner or universal vibrations. Human development is divided into Seven stages (childhood, adolescence, puberty, etc.). Chinese medicine speaks of Seven energy centers.
The Seven is also connected to colors and notes.
See Neptune.
Seven-people have birthdays on the 7th, 16th, or 25th day of the month.
The shadow challenge associated with this vibration is to get lost in the ethers and lose contact with life on the ground.
This is the number of mental perfection, healing, completion, music and the attainment of high spirituality. Seven is a sacred number for many peoples, being the number of the rhythm of life (the world was created in seven days) and the passing of time (seven days in a week). Life is also said to run in seven-year cycles in the West; adulthood is traditionally celebrated on the twenty-first birthday and in Judaism a boy adopts adult responsibilities at the age of fourteen. Numerologists believe that seven is a number that possesses cosmic energy because it was once believed that there were seven planets in the cosmos. In dreams, the number seven could also suggest the possibility of the seven-year itch, the urge to be unfaithful or make a hasty decision. As the number of the Chariot in Tarot, seven can symbolize drive that is controlled and directed.
The unfolding of mystical relationships and the understanding of universal truths. Alternatively, a renewed focus on spiritual matters as they pertain to you personally
Marvels. There are seven wonders in the world, seven colors in the rainbow, etc.
Inventive energy that comes to fruition. Biblical creation took seven days, including God’s day of rest.
The idea of luck or good fortune (or the desire for such).
A feeling that something in your life is reaching its potential, completion, or perfection (or a desire for such).
Something else you associate with seven, such as a septet, heptagon, time frame, someone’s age, or your family.
See also: Number
To dream of the mystical number seven signifies that you are realizing spiritual wisdom as you gain awareness of the power of the cycles of your life.
(2) The number seven may also signal time for a change - as in the ‘seven-year itch’.
(3) Sixes and sevens, of course, may symbolize conflict.
According to Jung, seven always characterizes time.
If your dream strongly features the number seven, pay careful attention to any messages you receive in the dream: seven is a powerful and mystical number that is associated with important spiritual information.
Cycles of life—7, 14, 21, etc.; a week; spiritual meanings—seven candles, seven churches, seven chakras, seven colours, seven notes in music—so represents human wholeness. Idioms: seventh heaven.
To dream of the number seven represents personal accomplishment, therapy, achievement, harmony, and realization of your inner sanctuary. You are considered to be an exceptional and unconventional person.
Cycles of life, magical, spiritual meaning; human wholeness. Wisdom, discernment, philosophy, fortitude, depth, contemplation. Morbidity, hypercriticism, lack of action, unsociability.
The number seven represents the highest manifestation of spint into matter and points to a spiritual life. It also represents higher knowledge, luck, and success.
It is also a mystical number; in Hinduism and Christianity it is the number of God.
Perfection, fulfillment, and completion
See Bible Numbers.
is the combination of three (heaven) plus four (earth) when related to the dual nature of man. Perfect order; a complete period or cycle; a mystical relationship; a sacred number. Familiar seven concepts—basic series of musical notes; seven colors in the spectrum; from the book of Revelation, the seven stars, seven lamps, seven churches, seven seals, sounding of seven trumpets, pouring out of seven vials; seven knots on the rope Mohammed saw hanging from heaven; seven sisters of the Pleiades; seven steps of Mayan pyramids, Snow White's seven dwarfs. All are related in some way to the seven endocrine centers of the body, according to the Edgar Cayce readings. The seventh spiritual center— the pituitary, divine impersonal or universal love, spiritual healing. Some strengths of the seven are a sense of oneness, reverence, healing ability, inner wisdom, introspective, confident, spiritual. On the weak side, deflates others, lukewarm, self-righteous, skeptical, confused, and deceitful. The seven should guard against despondency and intolerance toward others. Libra (October, a cardinal air sign), the seventh sign of the Zodiac, has such associations as a strong sense of good taste, elegance, and a democratic spirit. They are cooperative, hard working, make good bosses, strong in partnerships, romance, and marriage. When insecure, the Libra seeks others for influential associations but resents being taken advantage of.
According to a secret teaching, the number seven has magical power like no other. The number seven is a symbol for completion (the seventh day of Creation). It also stands for the magical transformation of the self. Every now and then, seven in a dream is a reminder from the unconscious to use time wisely and allow for a day of rest.
Seven is the number of spiritual attainment, connection to the Divine, and luck. There are seven days in the week, seven sacraments in the Roman Catholic faith, seven chakras in the Hindu and Buddhist traditions, seven notes in the musical scale, and seven colors in the rainbow. Even in mythology and folklore, the number seven shows up repeatedly (for example, Snow White and the seven dwarves). If seven appears in your dreams, expect good luck that has a spiritual foundation. Meditate on the number seven to understand how you can best develop and work with spiritual energy in your waking life.
signifies a high spiritual attainment
See seven under numbers.