Dream About secret message

Theresa Cheung Interpretation: In waking life, secret messages or codes are used to convey important information as speedily as possible and to keep secrets from outsiders or enemies. Any dream in which you were sent a code that you could decipher may therefore indicate the need for speed and secrecy when communicating with someone in waking life. If, however, you were unable to understand the code, this suggests that you are finding it impossible to understand someone in real life. The secret message in your dream may also appear in the form of an anagram (a word puzzle in which you rearrange the letters of the original word or phrases).

Homonyms are words that sound alike but have different spellings and meanings and polysemy refers to single words that have many meanings. These word-plays are common in dreams. For example, the words ‘tale’ (story) and‘tail’ (backside), or‘navel’ (belly button) or‘naval’ (navy) are examples of homonyms. The word‘suit’ is polysemous as it can mean something you wear, one fourth of a pack of cards or as acceptable (as in‘suits me fine’).

If your dream messages don’t make sense, look for hidden codes. Write the mystery message or word down on a piece of paper and try to see if there are any words that sound the same but mean something different. Can you rearrange the letters to form different words or another phrase? In most cases, if you play around with the words you’ll discover their secrets.