Dream About second story

Ibn Seerin Interpretation: A man once came to Hazrat Imaam Ja’far (RA) and said.”I saw myself as if I were embracing the moon”.

The Imaan asked:. “Are you a bachelor?” He answered in the affirmative.

The Imaam said: “You shall marry the most beautiful lady of her time”. Thereafter, the person was not seen for a very long time. Then Suddenly he appeared one day and said to the Imaam. “My master! I have married the most beautiful lady of Madeenah. But last night I saw a dream as if I were carrying the moon”.

The Imaam interpreted this dream saying: “She Shall bear you the most beautiful boy of his time”. He said: “ She shall bear you the most beautiful boy of his time”. He said: “O master! At this very moment she is expecting”.

The reporter of this incident say that matters turned out to be exactly as the Imaam had interpreted. May Allah have mercy on the Imaam.