Dream About sealing wax

Martha Clarke Interpretation: Sealing wax is associated with durability of commitments. To seal an envelope with wax shows the intention of keeping a promise to the letter. To open it signifies its breakage, a change in appearance in an unexpected moment.

Searching What you seek in the dream can be physical, emotional, intellectual, or spiritual. Perhaps, it is about a new solution to a problem.

If you dream of looking for someone you know, it indicates feelings of anxiety about the relationship you have with that person in real life. You might want to end an emotional separation.

It is important to ask whether what you have been looking for is really worth it.

If the answer is negative, the dream reflects your loss of illusion and hope.

This is usually a spiritual dream. Myths such as the one King Arthur is in search of the Holy Grail describe the process of inner transformation of the self.

Raymond Buckland Interpretation

You will receive the approval you have been waiting for to go ahead with what you have planned.

Ian Wallace Interpretation

Ability to clearly shape the message I want to communicate to others so I can make my mark with them

Mary Summer Interpretation

defines privacy; confidentiality Recall who was using the wax What color was it? Was it impressed with a symbol or initial?