Dream About saint angel perfect being

Theresa Cheung Interpretation: Dreams that feature saints, angels, icons, bodhisattvas, immortals, avatars or any other perfect being that possesses a high level of spiritual development that lifts them above the imperfect human race all embody higher religious aspirations and positive qualities to which you can aspire. The same applies to symbols of transcendence and illumination that can appear in your dreams, such as halos, auras of light and angelic wings. Bear in mind that, depending on the other details of your dream, saints can also indicate martyrdom and extreme self- sacrifice, so you need to consider whether or not you are being exploited by someone in waking life.

Saints and angels are also traditionally considered to be divine messengers between the Supreme Being and humanity, so if you dream of them, what message are they trying to impart to you? Do you need to adopt a more moral stance in your waking life? Perhaps there is a moral issue you should not ignore; or is your unconscious telling you that you have righteousness on your side?

Your dream may be urging you to develop your spirituality.

If the meaning of your dream still remains unclear, try to meditate on it for a while since you may find that it leads you to new insights.

Angels are associated with dead children, so may play a comforting role at times of bereavement. In spiritual terms, angels also symbolize pure beings and freedom from earthly matters. Dark angels are said to be those who have not totally rejected the ego and earthly passions, and if images of them appear in your dream, you may be being warned about some kind of spiritual transgression.

If you dream of the Virgin Mary, this may be a symbol of the feminine ideal; the Virgin mother of Christ represents purity, compassion and motherly love.