If you have dreamed of looking like the opposite sex: You should be open to cooperation, you should not avoid the issues that need help, you may experience some dissatisfaction. According to the interpretation of dream interpreter Molla Cami; The woman who sees that she wears men's clothes and looks like a man in a dream and that her clothes suit her, is interpreted as her condition is good. If the person sees that the men's clothes he wears do not suit him and look bad: it is interpreted that the situation of the dreamer will change with distress and fear. When a woman sees herself as a man, she gets tired of her attitude and situation as her husband wants. Seeing that you look like non-Muslims means that the dreamer complies with their religion or wishes to marry a non-Muslim. To see that a person looks like someone else by looking in the mirror in a dream indicates that he will treat the people around him badly and that the person is disliked among those he loves.