Dream About relationships family

Ian Wallace Interpretation:

You may think of yourself as having a single identity, the one described by your name, in your passport or in your online presence. The psychological reality, however, is that you have a number of identities. This is not some sort of split personality; your different identities emerge depending on the circumstances you find yourself in and the actions you take there. For example, your job title may be CEO but in a single day, you could also be a driver, a passenger and a customer, and also a mother, a wife and a sister. In this chapter, you will learn the significance of how you relate to your family and others in different dream scenarios, and discover why relationship dreams are not really about relationships, how family dreams are connected to habitual behaviours, the difference between relationships and family dreams, and what your relationship dreams can reveal about your potential for personal development. To take your relationship and family dream work further, try the exercise on this page.