Tony Crisp Interpretation:
Most dreams depict relationship in one form or another. However, some dreams specifically show us in a particular relationship. Such dreams are usually highly significant in that they reveal aspects of what we are doing in the relationship that we may not admit or realize consciously. It can therefore be transformative to gain insight into any dreams that show us in relationship with present partners or lovers. Example: “I was with Lorna and she told me she was pregnant. I said to her this was impossible and it couldn’t be my child. She looked at me and shrugged, saying, ‘Okay, I’m not pregnant.’ ” (Sinclair) On exploring the dream Sinclair realized the enormous feelings involved. He had not realized consciously that Lorna had completely offered herself to him in their relationship. The dream shows him rejecting this complete offering of her sexuality and womanhood, and her turning away rejected. This had actually happened, but Sinclair had not been conscious of what was occurring between them. The dream enabled him to realize how he pulled away from a woman’s full flow of self-expression, and he began to change this.